One question I’ve been asked over and over when talking about quitting my job is how I overcame the fear of not being able to find a new job, or not being able to pay my bills. Obviously, both of those questions played a part in the decision. My answer might surprise some. I didn’t. At least not to the point that they’ve completely left my mind.
At the moment, I’m not looking for another job. I took on a part-time job, working for a local computer repair shop, and I’m not even looking for a new full-time job. The part-time job doesn’t pay anything even close to what I was making at my full-time job. And, the truth is, I don’t care. So far, using the income from my wife’s full-time job, and the income from my part-time job, along with some of the income I make from this site and others, we’ve been able to pay the bills. We haven’t been able to keep up with our debt repayments on the same aggressive schedule that we had been on before, but we can pay the bills.
Even so, making the decision to quit my job meant overcoming the fear of both of those things. And, I did it.
Almost a year before I quit my job, I wrote a post on another site of mine, entitled Overcoming Fear. In it, I wrote about facing fear with rationality. Looking at fear with a rational eye, and truly, asking “What’s the worst that could happen?” I knew, during the decision making process, that the part-time job was available, and that it would likely be mine for the asking. The worst that could happen there was for that particular job to become unavailable. But, there are other part time jobs available here, and I could take one of those. The hours at another one of them might be worse, and the pay might even be worse, but jobs were available. The worst that could happen was that I could end up having to take a different part-time job that I wouldn’t like as much. The worst that could happen with our bills would be if we couldn’t make ends meet. The absolute worst case scenario would be if we were pushed to a point, financially, where we would have to declare bankruptcy. Even that is was a pretty remote possibility, because I could always take on a second part-time job to help bring more money in.
I found the worst case scenarios, understood what the ramifications would be for each, and took a leap. And, in the end, I’m very happy that I did. My stress levels have gone way down. I enjoy what I’m doing again. And, I’m in control of what happens with my life, now.
Overcoming fear can be about the best case scenario too. With any decision, there is always something that is a positive. For me, the positives of getting out of a situation that I was suffering in, regaining control of my life, and stopping the trade of my time for money, made it well worth my while.
Do you fear? I encourage to read my post on Overcoming Fear, look at your fears with a rational eye, and ask yourself what the worst case scenario is. Some fears aren’t worth fearing.
Share with us. What are some fears that you’ve overcome? What are some fears that you want to overcome?
photo credit: notsogoodphotography

I started this blog to share what I know and what I was learning about personal finance. Along the way I’ve met and found many blogging friends. Please feel free to connect with me on the Beating Broke accounts: Twitter and Facebook.
You can also connect with me personally at Novelnaut, Thatedeguy, Shane Ede, and my personal Twitter.