I’m not an expert on health care, health insurance, and certainly not on the way that government works. But, I like to think that I have some modicum of common sense. So, it’s with great trepidation that I see this health care bill.
My biggest concern is the cost of health insurance. My company covers a significant portion of our health insurance, but if rates rise, they very well could pass that expense on to us. If that happened, I don’t know if we could afford it.
Many people are lauding this bill and saying how great it is that people can’t be denied because of pre-existing conditions and that there is no more cap on payouts. Yes and no. Yes, I think there should be something available to even those with pre-existing conditions. But there already was! Now, the insurance agencies are going to be forced to cover them just the same as their low risk customers. I don’t have any solid numbers, but my math says that will make my rates go up.
Does anyone else understand any of that differently?

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