In case you hadn’t heard, the newest versions of the Quicken Personal Finance Softwares are now available. As an affiliate of Quicken, I get the ability to offer you a discount on several of their titles.
- Quicken 2009 Deluxe gets a 25% discount. That takes it down to $44.99 instead of $59.99
- Quicken 2009 Premier gets a 20% discount, for $71.99 instead of $89.99
- Quicken 2009 Home & Business gets a 20% discount, bringing it down to $79.99 instead of $99.99
- Quicken 2009 Rental Property Manager gets a 20% discount, $119.99 instead of $149.99
- Quicken 2009 Home Inventory Manager also gets a 20% discount, $23.99 instead of $29.99
- Quicken Willmaker Plus is marked down to $39.99 from it’s normal $79.99
- and they are apparently taking sign ups for Quicken Financial Life for Mac
Some Pretty good deals. You can visit the Quicken 2009 store and take advantage of those discounts. I’m not sure how long they’ll last, but by the time they are over, you ought to be able to pick the titles up on eBay for about the same as with the discount. Of course, I’ll appreciate any affiliate commissions that I get a lot more than eBay will. 😉

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