There’s been some talk recently (and in the last several years) that we should get rid of the dollar bill and move to using a dollar coin. Most of that talk is pro dollar coin. And, for the most part, their argument makes a lot of sense. The dollar bill is an expensive bill to make, much like the penny is an expensive coin to make. Dollar bills quickly degrade and need replacing. And, really, what can you buy for a dollar anymore anyways?
In fact, it almost seems like anyone in the personal finance blogosphere really should like the idea of a dollar coin. But, I just can’t bring myself to like it. First, let me describe my relationship with cash, bill or coin. I don’t carry it. At any given point in time, I probably have a few dollars up to twenty or so dollars in my wallet. It’s probably been there for months. I don’t use cash. On most work days, I go to work, and, when I’m done with work, I return home. I have very little calling for spending money during the week. And I really have very little calling for it during the weekend as well. But, you know what I hate more than carrying cash around? Carrying coins around. They’re always weighing down your pocket, jangling around with whatever else is in your pocket. They fall out of your pocket, leaving themselves buried in somebody’s couch. They’re dirty. I just don’t like them. If I happen to end up with some, the first thing I do is either deposit them in the little tray at the counter or throw them in the console of my car.
So, as you can probably tell, if I had my choice between the dollar bill and the dollar coin, I would pick the dollar bill every time. And, in case your wondering, when I do spend money, I prefer to use my debit card. It only takes up one little old slot in my wallet and it’s “accepted everywhere I want to be”.