Money Rules : The Simple Path to Lifelong Security

By: Jean Chatzky
Chatzky is a pretty big name in the realm of personal finance media, so when I was asked if I wanted to review her latest book, I jumped at the chance. In Money Rules, Chatzky aims to break down personal finance into it’s most simple denominators and give it out in a set of rules. Overall, there’s 94 rules. Each is a paragraph or two long. And, each is pretty solid. I had a hard time finding any of the rules that I could argue against. There are a few that are borderline, but I think that they get a pass in the sense that they can be considered a standard personal finance rule.
There are some readily acceptable rules too. Increasing savings with each raise, not treating your primary home as an investment, not shopping hungry, and 90 others. From the longer ones, to the shorter ones, the book is a quick read, at 114 pages, so you don’t really have any good reason to not read it. I think that it’s one of those books that you can read quickly, and refer back to occasionally for guidance and reaffirmation of some basic personal finance principles. Because of it’s size, you’re not going to get bogged down in the nitty-gritty details of each point, but merely get the point and be able to find ways to apply it in your own life.
Currently, the book is a bit over $10 at Amazon in paperback, and a bit over $9 for the Kindle.
P.S. I’ve got a couple of copies to give away, so come back tomorrow to see the details on that!