Do you feel like you will never get a handle on your finances? You don’t have to settle for being poor. By shifting your habits and mindsets you can improve your financial picture. Here are the top 7 reasons why you are still broke.
1. You Have a Scarcity Mindset
If you believe that money is limited and you’ll never have enough, you probably will be stuck being poor. How you view money has a lot to do with how you’ll behave and the money decisions you’ll make. You’ll continue to worry about bills, stress about the future, and live paycheck to paycheck. Instead, work on shifting your money mindset to that of abundance. With this mindset, you believe that you have enough money and you’ll always have what you need.
2. You Haven’t Learned from Your Financial Mistakes
Do you work on your financial health and then fall back into old patterns? Making smart money decisions isn’t just for a season. When you make a mistake, give yourself grace but learn from the experience. Adopting better money habits throughout your lifetime will stop you from being poor and build your wealth over time.
3. You Believe You’re Bad with Money
If you constantly tell yourself that you’re bad with money, you’re setting yourself up for a self-fulfilling prophecy. Instead of holding yourself accountable, saying that you’re bad with money makes excuses for poor choices. Researchers have found that our internal money scripts play a large role in our income and net worth. Until we flip the script, we may not see a way out of our money problems.
4. You Don’t Track Your Money
If you don’t know how much money is coming in and going out, you’re setting yourself up for failure. Paying attention to your money is crucial to bettering your situation. Then, you create a budget, get out of debt, build your wealth, and make your money work for you.
5. You Live Beyond Your Means
No matter how much money you make, living beyond your means will always leave you feeling broke. Living beyond your means can look like carrying massive credit card debt, taking out a bigger mortgage than you can realistically afford, or overspending on luxuries. Additionally, Lifestyle creep is something you need to be aware of, even if you bring in additional income. Until you get a handle on your spending patterns, you’ll continue to feel broke.
6. You Haven’t Worked on Your Financial Literacy
It’s ok to admit that you need to work on your financial literacy. Many of us aren’t taught about basic money principles that are essential to money management. So, read financial literacy books, listen to podcasts, or take a course to increase your knowledge.
7. You Don’t Know Where to Start
If you constantly are overwhelmed by your financial situation, it’s probably difficult to take action to improve it. While change doesn’t happen overnight, small positive steps forward will pay off over time. It’s important to remain diligent and consistent when you’re trying to improve your finances. Try not to lose motivation and keep pushing forward.
How are you working on your financial situation? Let us know in the comments.
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