In 2024, more than 500,000 people left Florida for other states, according to the Florida Chamber of Commerce. This was the largest exodus of residents in the state’s history. Why are so many people leaving Florida? From cost of living concerns to an increase in natural disasters, some are giving up on the Florida dream and relocating. Here are 8 reasons why people are leaving Florida and moving to Texas.
1. Lower Cost of Living
While Florida has no state income tax, the cost of living in recent years has skyrocketed. As a result, many people are leaving Florida. Texas is still below the national average for cost of living, while Florida is now slightly higher. This includes grocery prices, housing, rent, and taxes.
2. Fewer Tourists
Florida is known for its snowbirds in the winter, and its beaches and resorts are a destination for many. Plus, areas like Orlando, home of Disney World, draw many tourists from around the world. While tourism drives Florida’s economy, it can be frustrating for residents when traffic increases and local establishments are flooded with patrons. In Texas, while there is some tourism at popular attractions, it is nowhere near the level of tourism in Florida.
3. Less Natural Disasters
According to the National Center for Environmental Information, from 1980–2024, Florida has had 94 weather and climate disaster events with losses exceeding $1 billion each. While Texas experiences more droughts, Florida has had several severe hurricanes in the last few years, causing costly damage.
4. Lower Insurance Costs
Because of the recent hurricanes, property insurance in Florida has become very expensive. In 2024, the average cost of property insurance in Florida was projected to be around $11,759, which is much higher than the national average. Some insurance companies have revoked coverage for some properties, creating an insurance crisis in the area. In comparison, Texas’ property insurance costs are less than half of Florida’s.
5. More Stable Housing Market
As many people are leaving Florida due to soaring costs, they are finding that it has become difficult to sell a home in Florida. Texas homes may be a better investment in the long term.
6. More Available Land
Since Florida has seen a rise in development, there is less available land. Texas on the other hand has more available land and more diverse landscapes. Most Texans live in a small percentage of incorporated land, with much of the state’s land open and uninhabited.
7. Better Weather
While both states have warm weather, Florida is known for its rainy season in the summer. You can expect at least one shower per day. Texas has a more varied climate and much less humidity than Florida.
8. More Diverse Job Market
While Florida’s economy has grown at a rapid pace, it is still largely driven by tourism. The Texas economy is comprised of various sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, services, and technology, creating a diverse job landscape. This is very reflective of the diversity that is found throughout Texas.
Are you considering leaving Florida? Where do you plan to move?
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Teri Monroe started her career in communications working for local government and nonprofits. Today, she is a freelance finance and lifestyle writer and small business owner. In her spare time, she loves golfing with her husband, taking her dog Milo on long walks, and playing pickleball with friends.
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