Who is your tribe? With whom do you surround yourself? Too often, our friends seem to be those we accidentally meet. Someone at the gym we clicked with or a co-worker we have a connection with. These friendships are usually made because we have at least one thing in common, something we both love that connects us.
If you’re of a money mind, perhaps being frugal and avoiding debt, you may find that most of your friends don’t share this trait with you. In real life, finding friends who share your passion for saving and pinching pennies can be very difficult.
Luckily, you can look online and find your frugal tribe and save even more money.
Find Your Frugal Tribe and Save Even More Money
Thanks to technology, there are many ways to find a frugal tribe.
YouTube Tribes

My husband and I are looking to save money, especially on groceries, because we’ve been facing hundreds of dollars in medical expenses each month. The amount we spend on groceries is a place where we can reduce our expenses.
However, asking friends in real life what they spend on groceries and how they save money is a bit awkward, especially because most of my friends don’t seem to be money minded.
Enter YouTube. I discovered one woman on YouTube who feeds her family of 5 for $30 to $35 a week!! Insane, isn’t it? I know I’ll never get my grocery bill that low, but it is encouraging to know that there is definitely room to cut the grocery budget.
Facebook Tribes

The same vlogger I mentioned above also runs a Facebook group, 11,000+ members strong, solely devoted to frugal meals and groceries. I joined that group, and I’m learning a lot.
But you can find your frugal tribe in a range of topics. I belong to several Facebook groups–one on saving on groceries, one on frugal living in general, and one about frugal ways to send your kids to college.
Change Your Tribe, Change Your Habits
Here’s the thing. Whether you realize it or not, the people you surround yourself with, even if they are vastly different than you, affect your thoughts. If you’re around spendthrifts, you unconsciously become a little looser with your money because that’s what you see others doing. You may still be the most frugal person among your friends, but you’re likely less frugal than you used to be because of the influence of your peers.
Of course, the reverse is also true. Since watching YouTube videos and joining the Facebook group, I have slashed my grocery spending by 25% every month. Each day I learn new strategies for saving.
True, I don’t emulate a lot of what I learn. One vlogger on YouTube made two big meals at the beginning of the week and then fed her family the leftovers for the next four days. That definitely wouldn’t fly in my house, but it was a lesson in how to morph leftovers into other meals.
How to Find Your Tribe
If you can find a tribe in real life, that’s the best. If you have a frugal friend, perhaps she can help you connect with more frugal people.
However, if you don’t, the Internet is a great tool. The best starting place is YouTube and blogs. Facebook is a close second. Once you find one good frugal person, you can likely find more she is connected with. If you find someone via social media or YouTube, don’t be afraid to reach out electronically and say “hi.” Who knows, you may become friends in real life.
How do you find like-minded frugal friends?
Melissa is a writer and virtual assistant. She earned her Master’s from Southern Illinois University, and her Bachelor’s in English from the University of Michigan. When she’s not working, you can find her homeschooling her kids, reading a good book, or cooking. She resides in New York, where she loves the natural beauty of the area.
Oh I get this! It’s tough when you are hanging out with people who spend cash easily. My wife and I have been on a tight budget for some time now because we are launching a business. It’s really important to find people that get that. Thanks for the great article and happy new year.