I’d never heard the term before, but JD at A Penny Saved used it today. Coupon Angel is a term that he uses (and maybe more people do as well?) to refer to people who leave an unused coupon for a product sitting on the shelf or near the product at the store. If you, like JD, happen upon one you get a usable coupon for an item. Kinda cool.
I’ve seen it happen but never had a term for it before. Now I do.

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I was standing near a lady in the store when she picked up an item, checked the price and returned it to the shelf. After I told her I had a dollar off the item, she thank me and took the item. I never considered myself a Coupon Angel but I must be one. I’m always leaving coupons near the items. Just yesterday, when I went shopping I left coupons near several items on the shelf.