Did you know that you can scan a barcode at a store, run it through a program on your phone, and have it tell you whether the item is at a good price or not? There are apps available for both the Apple iPhone and the G1 that allow just that.
These apps allow consumers to compare the prices of merchandise on a store’s shelf to competing stores in the area just by taking pictures with their smartphone’s camera. The prices are instantly retrieved and displayed on the mobile phone so consumers can know before they buy if they’re getting a good deal.
Pretty cool. If only I had a phone that was that smart. Of course, like anything that empowers the consumer, the stores are already thinking real hard about making their stores cell phone free zones through policies banning them or through cell phone jamming devices. Use them while you can.
Have you been using one of these programs? Let us know how it works for you! Or give it a try and let us know!

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