If you’re ready to make a change and get your finances in order, you need to check out the 31 Days to a Better Bank Balance by my Yakezie friend, Money Crush!
Each post contains a great nugget of personal finance wisdom and a task/step that you can complete that very day to improve your personal finances. The goal being that at the end of the 31 days, you’ll have a much better hold on where your money is, where it goes, and where it comes from!
Money Crush has already posted the first day today, so go to the link above and get started. I think you’ll thank yourself for it.

I started this blog to share what I know and what I was learning about personal finance. Along the way I’ve met and found many blogging friends. Please feel free to connect with me on the Beating Broke accounts: Twitter and Facebook.
You can also connect with me personally at Novelnaut, Thatedeguy, Shane Ede, and my personal Twitter.