Hello, fellow broke 20-somethings! Are you sick of living on instant noodles and dreaming of the day you can afford avocado toast or a five-star meal? Well, worry not. This piece gives you some tips on how to get through your 20s without going bankrupt. So get your piggy bank, and let’s dive in!
1. Have a Budget
A budget may seem obvious, but making one is the best way to manage your money after going broke. Find out how much money you receive each month and where it needs to go. Ensure you have enough for basic needs like rent, utilities, and food before spending on anything else.
Once you have a budget, check your spending carefully to see where to cut back. For example, do you truly require that subscription service to a streaming app you rarely use? Canceling unnecessary expenses can save you a lot of money over time.
2. Give Your Savings Accounts Fun Names
Instead of having a savings account that says ‘Savings Account #100’ when you log in to your bank account, you might want to change the name to something more specific. Maybe it could say, ‘I’m quitting my job in January 2024’ or ‘Going to Maldives in May 2024.’ The more specific you are, the less likely you are to keep taking a little money off the top every time your checking account gets a little low.
3. Be Mindful of Expensive Cosmetic Procedures
Before deciding to get a cosmetic procedure, it’s essential to do your research and fully understand the costs. Don’t just rely on what the plastic surgeon or clinic tells you. Research online and talk to people with similar procedures to understand the possible costs.
Research shows that about 11.36 million plastic surgery procedures were done worldwide in 2019. It indicates that more people know these procedures, so shop around for financing options that are more accessible. Getting caught up in wanting to look better is easy, but remember, stay moderate and spend what you can afford.
4. Avoid Unscrupulous Deals
You might fall victim to embezzlement if you work a white-collar job. Embezzlement is one type of white-collar crime. In this crime, a person mishandles money they are in charge of and uses it in a way that is not allowed. It’s wise to implement solid financial controls like performing regular audits or reviewing financial records to avoid the devastation of embezzlement. Promote a culture of transparency and accountability and save yourself from going broke
5. Be Responsible and Invest in Yourself
A survey says drivers between the ages of 25 and 34 are most likely to be drunk behind the wheel. However, you don’t have to be among them. Choose a responsible life and avoid situations that could lead to such an occurrence. Instead, focus on investing in yourself, like improving your skills or getting an education or training that will help you earn more.
6. Have an Insurance Cover
Insurance can keep you from going bankrupt in your 20s by protecting you from sudden financial losses caused by accidents or things you can’t control. For instance, if you suffer from a severe illness or injury, health insurance can assist in paying your hospital bills. You might have to pay these expenses out of cash if you don’t have health insurance, which can be costly and cause financial strain.
Being optimistic and focused on your goals will help you get through the rough financial times that often plague your 20s. Set yourself up for long-term financial success. Remember, you can make the most of your situation and set yourself up for long-term success with the right attitude and good money habits.
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