The main secret of saving money is not to know a thousand ways, but to follow at least one of them rigorously. Here are the easiest and most effective ways to save the family budget.
Determine Your Monthly Budget
Try not to spend everything you earn. Better yet, add up all of your regular spending, add an amount for entertainment, shopping and spontaneous purchases, and set aside the rest of the money.
Don’t Skimp
This advice sounds a little strange, but remember that we’re not rich enough to buy cheap stuff. This advice is most applicable to clothing and appliances. Buying a well-known brand item in a good store, you are likely to be able to use it for a considerable amount of time. And buying something cheap, you can hardly count on the fact that the thing will last a long time.
This also applies to hobbies. Even if you want to save up for a dream, do not deny yourself the little joys. So, if you like gambling, spend a bit on mobile online casino games, and if you enjoy skiing, don’t deny some courses with a skilled coach. This will allow you to avoid burnout and show better results at work.
Don’t Go to the Store Hungry
Remember how often, when you come home from the grocery store, you take apart your bags and look at some purchases with bewilderment, genuinely not understanding – why did you buy it! Most often this happens when you go to the store on an empty stomach, so you get unnecessary goods, spending 1.2-2 times more money.
Cook for Yourself
It can be very tempting to order a pizza delivery service or buy ready-made food. No arguments with the pizza, you can not make it as good at home, but to stew meat or boil soup by yourself – it’s not difficult, but much more profitable.
Try to Quit Smoking
If you still smoke, you know how expensive this habit is. And every year a pack of cigarettes will cost you more and more.
Avoid Comparisons With Others
Don’t buy something just because everyone else has it or because owning it improves you in the eyes of the public. Let your budget and spending depend only on your current financial goals and needs.
Plan for Days Without Spending
Try one day a week of no online and offline shopping. While this might seem difficult at first, it will save you a lot of money in the long run and teach you to pay attention to the free fun and joys around you.
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