Protecting your finances starts with ensuring that you are prepared for any type of financial emergency that comes your way. It can be difficult to predict the future, but you can start an emergency fund to better protect your finances for those times in the future when life throws the unexpected your way. Here is why you need an emergency fund.
1. Peace of Mind
There are a lot of things that can come up unexpectedly in life that can ruin your finances. For example, an expensive vehicle mishap. According to Value Penguin, there are about 5 million car accidents in the United States annually. While generally if you are injured in a car accident there may be compensation available for economic and non-economic damages, but that may take a long time to get.
While you wait for a settlement from the insurance company after an accident, the bills still need to be paid. Knowing that you have an emergency fund to rely on can help reduce stress and provide peace of mind. Having your finances in order can improve any situation by bringing peace of mind.
2. Protecting Your Home
Many unforeseen emergencies happen in the home. Unfortunately, if you don’t have an emergency fund set up to cover things like a water heater replacement or another repair, the safety and function of your home will suffer. Addressing problems in your home as they arise protects your investment.
Having an emergency fund to cover the cost of repairs to your home will ensure that you are protecting your home investment. Roof problems are common for homeowners and can be expensive to fix. According to Roofer’s Guild, hailstorms and other weather events are the number one cause of roof damage. The United States experiences about 3,700 hailstorms annually. The risk is real that you may experience damage to your home that can tank your finances unless you are prepared.
3. Reduce Your Debt
An emergency fund not only protects your finances from being drained, but also keeps you from taking on debt. It is natural to reach for credit cards when an emergency pops up. However, using credit cards to pay for unexpected expenses can get very expensive. The interest that you will pay on a credit card makes whatever emergency you are experiencing far more expensive.
Avoiding debt is essential to build financial security. Starting an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses will help you avoid credit card debt. Ultimately, an emergency fund will help to shore up your finances and help you save money.
4. Building Financial Stability
If you have been working toward financial stability, all that hard work can be for nothing, if you have not planned your emergency fund. Most people know how important it is to save money for their future. However, if you must tap into your savings for an emergency all that hard work is for nothing.
Changing your mindset about money and categorizing your money into different funds can help you build a stable financial future. Your plan should include an emergency fund or several different types of emergency funds. Dedicating your finances to different funds can help to avoid financial problems.
An emergency fund for the house, the car, medical expenses, and more can prove to be one of the best ways to protect and grow your finances. You can protect the things in life that are important to you, worry less, and ensure that when a financial emergency occurs you are fully prepared by starting an emergency fund. Luckily, emergencies don’t happen every day so you have time to feed your fund. Learn more ways to ensure your finances can provide the lifestyle you want now and in the future.
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